



Shake the Earth!!!

Have you ever felt like you were trying soooo hard to achieve something, but you just feel like nothing is happening?

You push soooo hard, but nothing seems to be moving. We’ve all been there, but many of us stop pushing just because we can’t see the results. We think it must be a sign to do something else, that whatever we were going for wasn’t meant to happen.

I want you to look and the picture and think about how much power it takes to generate an earthquake powerful enough to create this much damage. We see the results of an earthquake whether it be the buildings that have fallen or the tsunami that’s created from it.

Now here’s the point!

The tectonic plates that create this damage push against each other for years, sometimes hundred or thousands of years. Nothing happens while this pushing is going on. You can be standing right on top of a fault line and feel absolutely nothing until all of a sudden an EARTHQUAKE!!!!

Just because we don’t feel things moving like we think they should doesn’t mean that we aren’t doing exactly what we should be doing. Not seeing results does not mean things aren’t moving. If you feel you should be doing something, then you probably should. Just keep pushing, and one day you will blow up all of a sudden. People will see the results, and think you were an overnight success, but only you will know how long you pushed without seeing any results.


Love you guys,

Carll Field

King of the Jungle

A lion “King of the Jungle” can run 50 mph, jump 12 ft. high, and cover 36 ft. in one jump. It can jump a fence with a zebra in its mouth. In a zoo in South America we can walk up to a lion just like this and pet him. One lion must chase and kill his food. One lion is fed without needing to hunt. Both lions have the same potential but one is hungry enough to hunt down his food while the other is fed so regularly he never gets hungry enough to need to hunt. Many of us are a lot like that. Our job for some or the government for others gives us just enough to keep us tame in our comfortable little cages with enough money and food to survive because they know that if we get too hungry, we may get the urge to go hunt. Without hunger, we are trapped just like the lion in the cage. Don’t lose your hunger!!

Circuses all around the world have lions in their show where a man with a chair keeps a lion at bay while making it perform tricks. This lion could devour the lion tamer, but the chair keeps him away. He’s not scared of the chair; he’s distracted by the chair. He can’t focus because the four legs of the chair make him lose concentration. We are also like this. We have so much potential, but we get distracted by things as silly as that chair. Our phones distract us, Facebook distracts us, the news distracts us, politics distracts us, gossip distracts us, and I’m sure you could think of many more things that distracts us. One day we turn around to find we have lost focus for so long that we don’t even know what we want to do with our lives. Don’t lose your focus!!

With hunger and focus, we can achieve anything that we can imagine, and there’s no one on earth who can stop us. Be a beast today, and never give up!!!


Love you guys,

Carll Field

Let’s put this in context!!

I’ve been bothered by some posts on Facebook about Donald Trump. I’m not bothered by whether anyone would want to vote for Donald or not. I don’t care who you vote for. I’m just talking strictly about finances. Here’s the video:

The videos that bother me are laughing about the fact he was given a million dollar loan from his father while saying he didn’t have it easy. They are insinuating that if they were given $1,000,000 that they would have been just as successful. I want to put that number into context though, so we can all see that what he did is pretty remarkable. Donald Trump is worth $2,900,000,000 according to Bloomberg, $4,500,000,000 according to Forbes, and more than $10,000,000,000 according to his filings to run for POTUS. For all those that think this isn’t impressive, try dropping three zeroes off the end of each number. If someone gave us $1,000, could we turn it into something between $2,900,000 or $10,000,000? It’s easy to look at someone with great wealth and say we could do it too with the same opportunity, but every year lottery winners prove that just getting the money doesn’t mean we keep the money. Every year someone gets a loan for $1,000,000 and is broke the following year. It takes knowledge, guts, and work ethic to become and stay successful. Instead of judging those with wealth, we should learn what we can from them, and that doesn’t mean we have to emulate their attitude or behavior. When we stop judging and start learning then we too may turn a small sum into a large fortune.

Love you guys,

Carll Field

Do what you can!!!

The path to success is through the habit of doing what we can and not just what we’re told.I remember my wife yelling at me all the time to pick my clothes off the floor and put them in the laundry. All the time, “Put your clothes in the laundry!” I would do it of course, but she was never as happy as when I decided to change my habits and do it without being asked. Instead of being told to pick up my clothes and put them in the laundry, I began putting my clothes in the washing machine and doing a load of clothes. The reaction was as if my body had been taken by an alien.

How much do you think she loved me for that, for doing what I could do instead of what I was told to do? Many of us don’t have the jobs we want or the income we want because instead of doing what we can, we do what we’re told. I remember working at the chicken plant. I was always hearing, “I’d do that if they paid me more money” Those same people never seemed to get the money they felt they deserved. All they had to do is what they knew they could do, and they would have gotten the raise easily.

Without a cause, there is no effect. We can’t get thunder without lightning, but some want results without action. We want a great relationship, but we don’t do the things we did in the beginning to make it a great relationship. We want a great country, but we don’t do the things our forefathers (and foremothers) did to make this a great country. We want nice things, but we want them on credit or someone else to pay for them. We can all do more, and when we begin to do what we can everything we desire will unfold before us. Let’s stop waiting to be told, and do what we can!! Love you guys!!!!!

Carll Field

Know when to hold them, know when to fold them!!

If you’ve never heard the song “The Gambler” by Kenny Rogers, then you might not recognize the title. I’m sure most people have heard of it at least. It’s about a gambler who must know when to fold a hand or keep playing a hand. Knowing when to hold or fold in poker comes down to reading the other players and knowing your odds of winning based on the cards showing on the table or in your hand. Sometimes in life we get into situations where we question whether we are doing what we should be doing or if we should just fold and go do something else. No one likes to be a quitter, but sometimes quitting is the smartest thing we can do. Sometimes it’s obvious that we should quit. If you have friends that are doing things you know are wrong, it’s easy to see we should fold and find some new friends. In poker the worst thing we can lose is money, but in life we can lose much more. We can lose happiness, friends, spouses, children, money, jobs, but worst of all we lose time. In life, it’s not always easy to know when to hold them and fold them. How do we know? While there is no absolute answer, our heart can usually guide us to the right choice. If your heart is confused, consult your head. We usually know the right the decision, though following through on a tough decision is easy to know, but harder to execute. It’s hard to walk away from a job you’ve had for years. It’s hard to walk away from friends whose path no longer takes the same directions as yours. It’s hard to know whether to go where your heart yearns to be when all your family lives somewhere else. But in the end, we’re not guaranteed anything but a chance. Take your chances; follow your dreams. If you find out you made a mistake, learn from it and move on. In poker there is always another hand, but you only get one life, so live like it’s your last one. Go be great!!

Love you guys,

Carll Field

The American Dream!!!

The American Dream is not dead, but the American dreamer may be, replaced with the American wisher!! If you have a dream, you have what it takes to get it. You may have to give up the American dream to find your dream, but finding your dream is all that matters. Let me know what you think!!

Love you guys,

Carll Field

Playing it Safe!!!

It’s 4th quarter, and your team goes up by 6 with 48 seconds left to play. 49 seconds later and your team lost. No one missed a tackle. No one was overthrown for a touchdown. Your team lost because they gave up play after play while playing it safe with a prevent defense. Nothing’s worse than watching your team lose because they played it too safe. And while it’s easy to see when our team loses because they played too safe, it’s much more difficult to see our losses because we are playing it too safe. No business becomes great by playing it safe. No life becomes great by playing it safe. Teams who win in sports don’t win by playing it safe. People who play it safe rather than stretching themselves to grow become unhappy, unfulfilled, and increasingly depressed. We are here to leave our mark on the world. We are here to do something great. We are not here to work 40 hours a week waiting on the weekend just to do it all over again the next week. Greatness speaks to us when we lay down at night. It keeps us up at night tossing and turning. It tells us what we should be doing. Many of us hate that feeling because we know it’s right, but we keep on playing it safe, going to the job we hate, thanking God it’s Friday, and hating every Monday. Why have we been seduced into believing it’s better to be comfortable than great? You can’t have it both ways. Happiness is found in the pursuit of greatness whether it’s to be a great parent, great teacher, great volunteer, great business owner, great employee, or whatever else you choose to be great at. Comfort is the enemy of greatness, and playing it safe is the recipe for comfort. Go be great today!!!

Love you guys,

Carll Field

Fitting Biography!!!

I always find it inspiring to read the biography of great leaders, inventors, philanthropists, and just all around great people. In reading them though, I’ve always been curious if they knew they were living a life fit for a biography or if it just happened. I feel in my heart that successful people are usually too busy chasing their dream to think about whether or not a biography will be written about them. Despite this fact however, couldn’t we do so much more if we knew someone will write a biography about us when we pass away? Would someone want to read a story about our life; would we want to read a story about someone who lived the same life we have lived so far? What would be in our story if we could write it how we want to be remembered? Is the story we would want people to read different from the actual story right now? If not, then congratulations, you are living your dream I suspect. If the stories would be different, then congratulations, you still have a chance to change the story to end however you choose for it to end. While writing this, I couldn’t help but ask myself if I am living a life I would want to read about. As much as I want to think someone would want to read my story, I know I can do so much more. From today, I am going to strive to live as if each day is a page in my biography, and I challenge you to do the same. Are you up for it?

Love you guys,

Carll Field

It’s Game time!!!

It’s thirty minutes before time to go. Butterflies are in your stomach. Palms are getting sweaty as your heart rate increases. Just a few more moments, and it’s go time. And you’re sitting on the couch!

Game time is the most exciting time whether you are a fan or player, but only the player has any effect on who wins the game. Cheer as hard as he can, the person on the sideline can only wish for results. Sadly, many of us sit on the sideline of our own life. Our consciousness tells us to go for it, but we are scared to. We just keep watching and wishing, hoping it will get better, but deep down we know we should listen. The players on the team have someone to listen to also. The coach tells them what plays to run or what strategy needs to be used. Usually if they listen, things go well, but if not, the coach gets pretty upset and the team does poorly. Our subconscious gets upset with us as well. If we don’t listen, it will keep us up at night, fill us with despair, and suck the life right out of us if we don’t do what we know we’re supposed to do. We’ve all been told to listen to our gut for good reasons, but we usually only do it when it’s easy.

The most exciting thing you can ever do is listen to your subconscious when it tells you to go big. It wants the best for you, so don’t question it. Go for it!! The worst case is you fall down, dust yourself off, and get back up. No child has ever learned to walk without falling down, and no child has learned to walk who stayed down. We must fall down and get back up to accomplish anything that truly matters. Don’t stand on the sideline of your life; be a player! Listen to that voice in your head when it tells you what to do! It’s game time; now go make it happen!!!

Love you guys,

Carll Field

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